Dear Tiffany (and Co.),

I can’t stop thinking about you.

I know we met a long time ago, but every day and night, all I see in my head is your logo. Taunting me with taco kisses, like some JLo tease from Colorado. It’s been a long time since I’ve been swept off my feet like this, I won’t lie. But you’ve done it.

I’m stalking you now. It seems only fair to let you know that my sights are on you, and I shall have you. Silver first. Just a silver. Or two, or three. Then, we’ll see if you and I are destined for something more. Something deeper and more meaningful.

Until the day when my flesh touches yours, remember I am thinking of you fondly in this painful absense which has become more unbearable each passing day.

T&Co Kisses,

Your adoring fan Alissa

Published in: on July 15, 2011 at 3:20 pm  Leave a Comment  